
This page details the three stage testing process at Yonder Deep.

Phase Purpose Branch
Alpha local development and testing for one particular issue varies
Beta integration testing for feature complete code development
Production fully functional code that has been thoroughly tested master

Stage 1 - Alpha

Alpha testing refers to local develoment by a sub-section of the team for a particular issue. This development is done on its own branch and should be tested with an AUV and Basestation radio connection before being merged with the development branch.


Create a Ticket

  1. Navigate to the Issues page and create a New Issue with a relevant title and description.

  2. Add your issue to the Github Project board by dragging it from the "Add cards" panel.

Working on a Ticket

  1. To start working on a ticket, create a local branch from main. Titling of branch names should follow this format:
    <Ticket Number>/<Title Abbreviation>

    You can get the ticket number from the Github issue page. An example branch name would be: 1/first-ticket. To create the branch, make sure you are in the main branch and then use git checkout -b <BRANCH NAME>.

  2. Work on your ticket within your branch, make occasional pulls and merges from main to make sure your code works with the latest changes: git checkout develop git pull git checkout <YOUR BRANCH> git merge develop

  3. Add and commit changes when appropriate: git add <FILE> git commit -m "COMMIT MESSAGE" Commit messages should be present imperative. Example: "Add support for data transfer"
  4. Push your changes to Github: git push If you are pushing your branch to Github for the first time, you will have to do this instead: git push --set-upstream origin <BRANCH NAME>

#### Submitting a Pull Request 1. On Github, go to "Pull requests" and create a new pull request by selecting your branch for the ticket. 2. In the description of the pull request webpage, add:

`Closes #<Issue Number>`
  1. Make sure you select develop as the branch being merged to.
  2. After having your PR reviewed, merge with the develop branch.

Stage 2 - Beta

Beta refers to testing conducted on a subset of features that need to be tested with a fully set-up AUV and Basestation. This will most likely consist of a pool test or something of a similar calibar. These tests are to be conducted periodically (dates TBD).

Stage 3 - Production

Production refers to the stable and fully tested code base. This code should only be updated after features on the develop branch thoroughly work as expected.